Episode 16 – Fitness Business Television

police_clipart.pngSince I have no desire to go back to Internet Jail I decided I would follow the rules and add the critiques later. I think it was a fine choice.  So in the spirit of repetition, to watch the Website Critiques, simply click good ole Deputy Dan over here to the right after the show and you’ll be taken to a private viewing of your website critiques.

Or just click this link to view the website critiques

star_3In this week’s episode I take you through round two of your fitness website critiques, I have a great Killer Resource that tells you exactly who owns any website, and I share with you one of my favorite promotions you can do with your local grocery stores that will generate hundreds of new leads for your fitness beach

Websites and Resources Mentioned in the Show:


Well it appears the website critiques were a hit.  Thank you to everyone who asked me questions.  If I haven’t responded yet, know that I will soon. Round two is here, and I actually posted it at the NEW BLOG!

That’s right, I missed sharing my fun thoughts with you outside of the studio, so I added a Blog section to this website.  Sometimes I’ll add things relevant, many times it will just be my outlet to hear myself talk.  Either way, it should be fun.

Does someone own a domain name that you want?  And they aren’t even using it!  Grrrr…  Well why not buy it from them?  I discuss two resources that will show you exactly how to find who owns the website you want.

Wanna know a killer promotion I ran several times, all with great success?  Stay tuned for the Outside the Box section of the show and I’ll show you how you can generate hundreds of new leads by partnering with your local grocery store.

As always your thoughts are appreciated. Please leave a comment below that will benefit the other viewers AND will get you noticed by Google. Enjoy the show!


Watch me on ESPN…The Ocho…Curtis Mock and Fitness Business Television on iTunes iphone2

Health Club Marketing Extraordinaire ;)